Thursday, August 4, 2011

With changing times

Our lives are beginning to sweep into : The Rush.
What is the rush?
Well, I honestly just made it up. But it's metaphorically speaking of the busyness that every teenager falls into. Here in Tonkawa, American, senior year is coming up faster than ever. I've got to start looking up scholarships for college, begin to make a decision on a career path, and deal with senioritis. Commonly known as, "I don't need to do that. I'm a senior." Along with managing how to cope without basketball in my life. Instead, I've got a job. It will be a different ball of wax but, I'll learn to deal. I've come to the "I'm gonna need money" realization. Of course, fun is quite great too. Which I'm making the most of with these 13 days left before the big, senior year. 
It seems to me that summer disappeared from beneath my grasp. It doesn't register that it's August. Or that I'm starting my last year in Tonkawa High School. It doesn't make sense! How does time go so fast from being a scared Freshman to a "ruling" Senior? (Really, we don't have any more power. Seniority kind of flew out the window.) 
It really upsets me a bit that I don't have to be at school until 11:15. Don't get me wrong, sleeping in is going to be heavenly but, not seeing my best friend until then...what a crapper. The last few weeks of school, I went into our councilor's office to get my schedule for next year. Partly to know when I would be able to take college classes and what to look for...gotta be prepared. Anyway, she gave it to me. I compared it with my best friend's and we had the same schedule. Enrollment came and I had a completely different schedule. Talk about a let down. And, it was set in stone. I'd already planned my college classes around the schedule from last I'm taking Psychology and Early American History. I'm going to take it for what it's worth.

As for Nanna, I don't know much of what goes on. I know she'll be starting a new school and she's started a new job. It's weird how we both are somewhat still doing the same things even though we are approximately 4000 miles apart. The world really isn't that different.

As much as I want to put of senior year, I want it to somewhat speed by me. I can't wait to see Nanna again and heck, fly over the waters to Denmark. There's so much in store for my future but the question I'm dealing with is...
How do I grab it all?
I'm scared to be honest.

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