The Bucket List was nothing more than a list of things to accomplish before Nanna left America. We were sitting in my car and we decided to write it and wah lah! All I had was an envelope, but we made it work, adding things to it slowly but surely. Practically all things we wrote were accomplished. A couple things weren't due to weather. Here goes!
Camping w/ a camera
Explore the Oklahoma countryside
Buy TOMS (red)
Accomplish prom without death
See Holly's house/sleepover
Get white v-necks
Go to Six Flags/ Frontier City
Play tennis
Road trip
Start Blog
Tag Colby's truck
Try as many slush combo flavors as possible
tag Racheal's car
Everyday June
(the last one is for Nanna and I's eyes ;)
Starting off with the very first one, we weren't able to accomplish it because weather prevented it from being so. I wish we would have been able to. It would've been a super great day!
Exploring the Oklahoma countryside sounds like the worst possible thing to do. What is in Oklahoma? Nothing really but I've learned to make beauty out of ashes. We didn't document this much but for all the driving around and "exploring" we did, I'd say it was accomplished. We came upon a place that we classified as our "Sunshine Place". That was a place that Selina, a foreign exchange student from Germany, had.
Buy TOMS. Toms are the fad of this summer. I bought a pair a while ago and have completely worn them to their death. They've got holes but I still love them dearly. I knew Nanna had to have a pair before she left. We planned a special trip to Oklahoma City and successfully she got her red TOMS.
Random picture shoots never cease to fascinate me. We've had a couple of these. One we played props in Kansas City, Missouri when we went to International House of Prayer. Props is a game where you set the camera on self timer and grab a prop, jump into the lens range, and take a picture with it. Sounds ridiculous but you'd be surprised at how entertaining and how much time you are able to kill with it. The random photo shoot we did have though, we went for a walk and Nanna had to use the restroom so, we went into the church to do so and I decided to take her around a little since I wasn't sure she had seen all parts of the church. And we ended up taking pictures. There are more on a previous blog. Click here to see em.
Accomplishing prom without death was our next task. And task is the perfect word for it. I was Junior Class President which meant I had a lot to do with prom. Nanna, well, it was her first prom and she had to get all dolled up and beautiful, AND wear heels. Mostly she was scared of falling, or her dress not working out, or there were a multitude of things that could of happened. To say the least, she came looking gorgeous and the banquet, and prom went smoothly. Wonderfully honestly. I hope Nanna enjoyed her experience of prom. I know I did. Here's a picture or two of our lovely time :)
Seeing my house and sleeping over became a very continuous thing the last few weeks Nanna was here. She spent the night consecutive nights, and it became natural for her to stay. We could live together definitely without problem. Our living styles are quite parallel.
The next one I came up with for Nanna. The white v-neck is the shirt you go to when you have no idea what to wear. It's completely versatile to dress up, dress down, work it, sleep in, everything! Racheal and I came up with White V-Neck Friday and that's mostly why I wanted her to partake in our little invention.
Going to Six Flags or Frontier City slowly slipped our fingers when the temperature in Dallas, Texas exceeded 100 degrees. Instead, we went to the Dallas Aquarium.
Next, we decided to play tennis...that was probably one of the funniest experiences ever. I've never really played it before but, it always looks so simple, right? WRONG! I was terrible whereas Nanna was good. It was an extremely spontaneous endeavor that resulted in fun at least.
Our "road trip" turned out to be our drive to Oklahoma City for Nanna to get TOMS. We also ate and had a jolly good time!
Obviously, we decided to blog together and here's what we have so far.....
Tagging Colby's truck. More so, it was a revenge type of task. He had gotten my car a few weeks prior and I needed some help getting him back. (Revenge really is not the answer) But, we went to buy our weaponry and colored in his windows successfully well. We also got a small amount of paint on ourselves...Red and black were our colors of choice.
The next thing on our list is for Nanna and I. Secrets, secrets are no fun. Yet secrets aren't for everyone.
Now, trying as many slush combos as possible was a truly hilarious thing to do. People don't realize how weird it is to say more than two flavors. We mixed some odd stuff. Most of which we liked. Here's what we concocted: Holly Nanna
1. lime, pineapple, coconut 1. vanilla, strawberry, pineapple
2. lemon, lime, watermelon 2. lemon, lime, pineapple
3. cranberry vanilla 3. grape vanilla
4. grape, pineapple, coconut 4. strawberry, vanilla, cranberry
5. peach vanilla 5. strawberry chocolate
6. peach pineapple 6. peach lime
Next came the tagging of Racheal's car. She was also in the time my car was attacked by Colby. We got her back also...not as bad as Colby though.
EVERYDAY JUNE...self explanatory here and here.
That's how we concluded Nanna's stay in America. It was a fun little thing to do and when you make a list, it sets a goal of things to accomplish. It wasn't just a list, it was our goal to make the last few weeks something more. We made them memorable.