I went to the river with the Baptist youth group. This is Bailey's Dorito hotdog. I don't know if she patented it.

I was home after curfew and I panicked and was sure my life was gonna end. It didn't, obviously. Volleyball was great! And painful, but that's probably just my luck.

Now this, is my favorite Pastor! He really is, I'm not just saying that.
Day 6

Now known as "Hollyized Ice Cream". Ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate syrup. It's better than it looks. But don't eat it while Josh is immitating an Austin Powers movie. Then it's really just gross.
I have small feet. Or Holly has big feet. Nonetheless, her shoes are too big for my feet.
If you read this blog regularly, you'll recognize this picture. Anyways, I had one of my "oh-no-I-have-to-leave-Tonkawa-and-I-really-don't-want-to" days.
Day 9

Packing is not my thing at all, so packing up my year in America was a challenge in two ways. First of all I don't have any talent whatsoever when it comes to fitting clothes in a suitcase. Secondly it wasn't very motivating to fit everything in a suitcase when I had no desire to leave.
Day 10

I managed to spend yet another night at the river. I didn't swim, though. I was sitting on this thing, and suddenly the most beautiful sunset appeared.
Day 11

As I mentioned earlier I'm not the best packer in the world. I'm really indecisive too, so when Colby asked if Holly and I wanted to help him pack for YFN I don't think I was much help at all. When I was done making a huge impact on what he decided to bring (hint the sarcasm), we spent the night doing things that didn't require many decisions on my part. Like going to Walmart and pick out a notebook.
Day 12

Driving down the highway in America you can't help but be disgusted by the amount of road kills that are laying around, so I was stoked when I saw this armadillo - ALIVE!
Day 13

The camera in my phone sucks most of the time, so this picture does in no way do this sunrise justice but I can assure you it was beautiful to wake up to.
Day 14

YFN was awesome, and so was this guy. (You know the person you can barely see between the heads)
Day 15

Have you ever preached about hand sanitizer, an iPhone 4, or keys? I can tell you it's harder than it sounds. At least that's what I heard.
Day 16

Chris semi tackled me so I ended up on the ground and I stayed there for a while. I decided to take this picture, and no it's probably not a serious discussion going on.
Day 17

Dallas Aquarium or Six Flags? I don't see the big difference except the aquarium probably was a little cooler than Six Flags. We had fun either way. This hot van made everyone want to sleep, though.
Day 18

I took this picture on accident but ended up keeping it. Mostly because I realized I won't be able to see this room for a very long time (It's Holly's) and then I got to thinking about how I have no idea idea when I'll se everyone but her again.
Day 20

This picture is so cliché it's ridiculous. Maybe that's why I think it's so bad. Well, it's me in case you didn't know.
Day 21

This is is not from this day, but it might as well have been. It's one of Josh's incredibly funny moments that I already miss.
Day 22
I just cheated 'cause I didn't take this picture. This is Holly, me, and the two thingys from Eskimo Joe's.
Day 23

I've never been to New York and I miss the worship band so incredibly much!
Day 24

Last picture and day last in Tonkawa. It had been a great night that ended in tears. At least it did for me. It was the day I suddenly realized that my time in Tonkawa had come to an end.
Day 25
Here's my proof. I really did leave America. And it sucked.
Day 26

Hello Danish highways. This was when I realised that Denmark looks exactly the same it did 11 months ago. I've come to the conclusion that it's rather depressing. You would expect at least something to change.
Day 27

Danish food! It probably looks incredibly gross unless you're Danish or you know what it is.
Day 29

I came home and learned that the neighbor's cat acts like it lives with us. It's a really interesting cat. At least that's what my mom told me when I saw it the first time.
Day 30

This was my last day of June. Already writing everyone letters. I'm missing everyone so much it's ridiculous.
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