Shall I explain? Well, even though that was a rhetorical question, I'm going to answer it for you. Yes, I'll explain. Nanna and myself constructed a "Bucket List" which we will have a post about later. Just depends on who actually wants to do it. Anyway, on our bucket list was "Everyday June"; that meaning we take a picture everyday the whole month of June. I succeeded so here is my blog about my month of June.
June 1: This accidentally happened when I was headed back from Fayetteville Arkansas with a super cute puppy. I couldn't pass up a little shimmer of love created, right?
June 2: Nanna was at my house and she asked if she could write on my white board, of course I said yes...especially if it was in Danish. Here's the translation.
"Dear Holly,
Nanna Ellegaard Poulsen
p.s. I'm gonna miss you.
-A lot."
(No I didn't try to kiss him. That'd be tacky!)
June 3: I had my quiet time in Colossians and it really opened my eyes to seeing how God's purpose for my life will never grow slack. It's tightly tied to my future in heaven. (The Message 1:5) My day started in Him and in Him I live.
June 4: A normal Saturday of cleaning and band practice without Racheal Hernandez, our lead guitarist. On this day though, besides having a good hair day, Nanna saw her first fireflies. Her amazement of them, amazed me. God made those for us in that moment. Yeah, a selfish statement but really it struck such a chord in me that I'll never forget that moment, or the look on her face.
Sorry about the terrible quality |
June 6: Nehemiah and I went to eat lunch together and explore some of the Oklahoma country. Each time, there is a new beauty to be discovered. Really, as much as I don't want to live in Oklahoma when I'm older, I find beauty in the smallest places. See things in a positive beautiful manor, and everything is much more pleasurable.
June 7: I sat outside to enjoy the weather. My cat, Batman joined me in a dog bed. He's a little fickle as to his actual species.
June 8: Mandy who is working at Disney World, came back to visit for a while. Bailey Hughes and I went to meet her at the lake in Ponca City. We had a wonderful time truly. I'm so glad I got to see her and I'll be happy when she is back.
June 9: I had the most productive day ever. I cut a pineapple for myself! (That makes me sound like I never do anything.) I did other stuff that would just make me sound like such a woman but, Nanna and I completed another thing on our list this day. Also, she spent the night! We were out past her curfew of midnight too....Rebellion is a root of witchcraft. (It wasn't rebellion. Relax.)
June 10: Nanna spent the night and we killed it playing Halo. Really, for never playing before, she was ridiculously good!
June 11: I finished Footprints of the Godly Woman. And, it was probably the best book I've ever read. It had so much insight on how to live a life of God while also being the woman of the household. I definitely recommend it to and woman. It's powerful and spirit filled. It's by Joyce Thompson who I've actually had pray for me. She is such a mighty woman of God and her life story is one in a million but yet, I aspire to one day be like her.
June 12: Helping Colby pack for Youth for the Nations camp was entertaining nonetheless. We were outside his dad's house, and there were June bugs. Nanna couldn't understand how I was able to hold one on my finger. That night, we proceeded to watch a movie, Colby fall asleep, and attempted to wake him. It isn't as easy as you'd think. We proceeded to stay up all night ready to hit up Dallas!
June 13: Dallas, Texas I'm here again! Eating this meal from Tons was ridiculously refreshing. I felt as if I hadn't eaten in weeks. Just because Nanna and I hadn't. No I'm kidding. I really love these kind of buffets. Pick your mixture and they cook it right in front of you. I sat eating ready to get our rooms at YFN. I'd already seen Racheal and I was ready for what God had in store for the week.
June 14: The only color missing except purple It was the gummy bear rainbow I decided to make as we discussed the first day's service. We heard Chris Estrada and Adam McCain in the leader workshops. We worshiped with Youth America and after service, Nanna
June 15: Without these babies, I'd of been dead. The hours of sleep or lack there of were amazingly not enough. Really, yet I had an energy to still get into the things of God even though my body was rejecting. We heard Jabin Chavez and Adam McCain once again. He gave the coolest message ever. Starting out with a box, he described it as having the most dangerous thing inside it. He also said it started wars and caused many problems. I sitting there thinking, "It's empty! It's something figurative!" No, he pulled out a massive cow tongue. Life and death really are in the power of the tongue. It really is convicting to capture ever statement and make it speak life instead of death. Rather now, I catch every ungodly thought and turn it to God. I also was able to love again.
June 16: Two things happened with this picture. First, Nanna discovered she actually can receive pictures so I sent it to her. Two, this is food from Golden Chick. Truly, I love this chicken. I'm so glad we have one in Enid except for the fact that I hardly ever go to Enid. But, Nanna and I ate dinner here two nights in a row because our patience was wearing thin for waiting in lines for food.
June 17: The last day of YFN. Obviously you can tell by the picture it was a long week. Nanna and I wanted to complete the most inevitable thing on our list which was going to Six Flags. Due to ridiculous heat and expense, we didn't succeed in accomplishing that. Instead, we went to the Dallas Aquarium. She picked a group to ride home in a different van, and goodness that was terrible. Instead of blowing air conditioning, it blew air as hot as outside. So by the time we arrived in Oklahoma, we were more than ready to shower! It was a fun extravaganza though.
June 18: So blessed to be home! I was redoing my nails, and also drinking Fiji water. Ironically, there was also a chocolate syrup bottle making a perfect "Raising the Bar" picture. Interesting enough in itself I'd say.
June 19: Nanna, Nehemiah, and myself went out to drive the countryside for a while more. The sun shone perfectly enough! If I do recall correctly, Terra Nova was ridiculously short.
June 20: My name is Holly.
Eye ball all ingredients.
Taco meat.
Three eggs.
June 22: I found the bracelet I'd thought I'd lost in the river.
Nanna, Colby, and myself went to Oklahoma City.
We ate and went to the mall.
June 23: The days are getting harder. The small things Nanna and I have done are coming back to me. When we ate Allewi together before I went to DC/ NY. I got the same sandwich.
June 26: I awoke to my phone ringing and low and behold, Nanna called me! She had made it to Denmark safe and sound and I was so ecstatic to hear her voice. No doubt that made my day being perfectly! So in her honor, I played without shoes for our worship set. To say the least, it was odd not having her on stage with us.
June 27: On my way to hang out with Racheal, the sun seemed to give such a peace of mind to me. Thanks God for that. It really was a beautiful reminder of the spirit of rest. So serene, and calming.
June 28: Originally this was upside down. I was laying outside enjoying the weather. Also getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. Demonic bloodsuckers.
June 29: The girl's had our first Bible study at the Reese's house. It was over the book of James in the first chapter. It really applied to my current situation. Nanna leaving has been a trial no doubt but it's strengthening my faith.
June 30: Nehemiah and I ended the month of June spending a ten hour day in the 107 degree Oklahoma heat cleaning my yard. He weeded and I mowed. We hacked up limbs, cut down bushes, and got a pink tint to our skin. It was a mess but I am forever grateful. Thank you Nehemiah Reese for enduring such a horrible, hot, yucky day!
This blog was to give a view into the life of a small town girl from Oklahoma and the things I do on a daily basis. No I don't usually end up in Dallas, Texas, or play with June bugs often, but this was my month of June. Nanna, thanks for being a part of my adventure of June.
You know, I felt like an idiot crying in line for security. People were looking at me like I was insane too. If only they knew what emotional confusion was going on inside my head....